Welcome to TechVentive

Anyone can compete – we help you win in the marketplace!

Selling technology or services isn’t always straightforward. Some solutions sell best to specific kinds of buyers (e.g., teenagers, innovators or CFOs) in select vertical niches to a certain size of business in only a few parts of the world. Others need special sales enablers to make the solution ‘POP’. Some need creative campaigns that help them strike a resounding chord with prospective buyers. Some solutions need crisp, focused collateral that brings the solution’s value proposition to life. And, some solutions need it all!

TechVentive steps in where too many generalized Marketing, PR and collateral development firms fall short. We are focused on just one industry, technology, and the service firms who implement it. We have invested in the development of custom databases to help segment and target your next solution campaign, rollout or promotion. We create highly relevant content that helps you be more successful. We don’t spend your Marketing budget – we help you get a massive return on it.

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Browse our Web site for more information about TechVentive. If you have any questions or would like to speak with a TechVentive representative regarding our services, please e-mail us at contact@techventive.net.